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New from the Irish Democrat: news, analysis and reviews
- Site Archived
The Irish Democrat website has now been archived. Please visit Connolly Association for the new website where the Irish Democrat from 1939 is available.
2016-02-10 09:09:41 - Connolly Association - change of address
The address of the Connolly Association has changed.
2011-05-11 14:16:20 - Interfering commission threatened with injunction
Solicitors acting on behalf of former MEP, Patricia McKenna have written to the European Commission warning of legal action if the Commission continues with its campaign on the Lisbon Treaty
2009-09-28 17:23:11 - No camp gaining ground
Despite massive media bias, the interference of Brussels, the support of big business and the massive amount of money being spent by Yes campaign, it's still too close to call as the Lisbon referendum campaign enters its final week
2009-09-28 17:17:29 - British people would welcome a No vote
The Connolly Association delivered letters to the Irish Ambassador in London and No 10 Downing Street praising the Irish constitution for allowing for a referendum on the Lisbon constitutional treaty and urging prime minister Gordon Brown to reconsider his government's position not to hold a vote in Britain
2009-09-28 15:37:21 - Hubert Lane and the paragons of virtue
Donal Kennedy suggests that Irish people in Britain don't always cover themselves in glory as they move down the order of ‘suspect’ communities
2009-09-21 15:55:16 - Major Irish union urges No vote
UNITE, Ireland's second largest trade union is urging its 60,000 members to vote No in the referendum on the Lisbon treaty
2009-09-09 13:06:39 - Letter: Ken Keable
Ken Keable points out the hypocrisy surrounding the demand for Libya to compensate the IRA’s victims
2009-09-09 08:42:02 - On Pavlov, pavlova, Eric Cantona and drugs
Writer and filmmaker Paul Larkin argues that we have to take responsibility and act collectively if we are to tackle the drugs problem facing our villages, towns and cities
2009-09-08 15:33:06 - Letter: Jim McConalogue
Jim McConalogue of the European Foundation argues that the EU summit strategy dealing with Ireland’s referendum was little more than a cover-up for getting round the previous No vote
2009-09-08 15:04:43 - Sinn Féin and the Politics of Left Republicanism
Roy Johnston reviews Sinn Féin and the Politics of Left Republicanism Eoin Ó Broin, published by Pluto Press
2009-09-08 14:43:20 - The Fenian Problem
Roy Johnston reviews The Fenian Problem:insurgency and terrorism in a liberal state by Brian Jenkins and published Liverpool University Press
2009-09-08 14:24:54 - Sainted before his time
Donal Kennedy continues his Dissing the Famous series, directing his fire this time at the Irish journalist Fergal Keane
2009-09-08 14:12:39 - éirígí launch No campaign
Socialist republican group éirígí launched its No to Lisbon 2 campaign at the weekend and warned voters to Never Mind the B****cks spread by the government and mainstream political parties which are urging voters to say Yes
2009-09-07 17:27:44 - PANA urges No vote
The Peace and Neutrality Alliance in Ireland ‘congratulate’ EU commissioner Catherine Day for ‘coming clean’ on the EU's plans to become a world power
2009-09-07 17:13:07 - Cambridge Folk Festival 2009
After a break of three years, David Granville revisits Britain's premier folk festival and cocks his ear in the direction of the Celtic music acts at this year's event
2009-09-07 16:46:45 - IALC Irish unity conference statement
Statement made by Irish-American Labor Coalition president Joe Jamison to the Conference on United Ireland held at the Hilton Hotel, New York on 13 June 2009
2009-09-07 16:22:51 - 2009 Desmond Greaves Summer School
The 21st Desmond Greaves Summer School takes place at the Ireland Institute in Dublin over the weekend of 11-13 September
2009-09-01 00:20:56 - No campaigners need our support
David Granville argues that solidarity with the No to Lisbon campaign is in the interest of working people throughout the EU
2009-08-31 23:25:33 - No to Lisbon coalition launched
As the 2nd Lisbon treaty referendum approaches, Brian Denny reports on the recent launch of the the Vote No to Lisbon coalition in Ireland
2009-08-31 22:35:52 - Birth of the Fenian Movement: James Stephens' American diary
Peter Berresford Ellis and Roy Johnston review The Birth of the Fenian Movement: American diary, Brooklyn 1859 by James Stephens, edited by Marta Ramón, UCD Pressmovement
2009-08-31 22:23:43 - The genius of Father Ted
Donal Kennedy continues to lament the death of the actor Dermot Morgan, whose portrayal of the venal priest Ted Crilly in the Father Ted series lives on in the annals of television comedy history
2009-08-31 22:14:47 - Propaganda as Anti-history
Ruaírí Ó Domhnaill reviews Propaganda as Anti-History: Peter Hart’s The IRA and its Enemies by Owen Sheridan (introduction by Jack Lane), published by the Aubane Historical Society
2009-08-31 22:01:12 - Thomas Kettle (Life and Times)
Sally Richardson reviews Thomas Kettle by Senia Paseta (Life and Times New Series), published by UCD Press in association with the Historical Association of Ireland
2009-08-31 20:21:45 - The Poems of Geoffrey O'Donoghue
Michael O'Sullivan reviews Danta Sheafraidh Ui Dhonnchadha an Ghleanna (The Poems of Geoffrey O’Donoghue) with Ireland’s War Poets 1641-1653 by John Minahane, Aubane Historical Society
2009-08-31 20:09:30 - Fergus O'Connor: a political life
Peter Berresford Ellis reviews Feargus O’Connor: a political life by Paul A. Pickering, published the Merlin Press in its Chartist Studies series
2009-08-31 20:01:14 - Coolacrease
Ruaírí Ó Domhnaill reviews Coolacrease: the true story of the Pearson executions in the Irish War of Independence by Paddy Heaney, Pat Muldowney, Philip O’Connor et al., published by the Aubane Historical Society
2009-08-31 19:44:18 - The Wit of Oscar Wilde
Sally Richardson reviews The Wit of Oscar Wilde, compiled and edited by Seán McCann and published by the O’Brien Press,
2009-08-31 19:36:38 - Sinn Féin in fresh unity call
Theo Russell reports on a meeting in London at which Sinn Féin's Pat Doherty spoke on the theme of'Ireland and Britain after 2010' and the British launch of a new Sinn Féin Irish unity initiative
2009-08-31 19:07:23 - Three cheers for the information age
Pangloss muses on the arrest of Lt.Col. Owen McNally in Kabul in an age when technological advances have meant that we no longer need we live in ignorance of how our fellow men, women and children live, or die.
2009-08-31 18:58:13 - Loyalist decommissioning announcement welcomed
Statement issued by the Connolly Association on 18 June 2009 in response to decommissioning moves by loyalist paramilitaries.
2009-08-31 18:50:43 - Shaming the Devil
Donal Kennedy argues that publications like the Irish Democrat can still play a vital role in challenging the lies and distortions of the media on both sides of the Irish Sea
2009-06-11 09:27:44 - Independent Soul
David Granville reviews Kate Purcell's new solo album released on Dream Records DRCD 007
2009-06-11 08:45:15 - Favoured scribe of the right
Donal Kennedy continues his ‘Dissing the Famouus’ column with a swipe the right-wing, anti-Irish republican journalist Kevin Myers
2009-06-05 11:10:51 - Schools of violence
Donal Kennedy takes issue with those commentators who view the main characteristic of Christian Brothers educators as a penchant for personal violence and its approval for nationalist ends
2009-06-04 11:45:44 - The T&G Story 1922-2007
David Granville reviews The T&G Story: a history of the Transport and General Workers Union 1922-2007 by Andrew Murray, published by Lawrence and Wishart
2009-06-03 09:49:43 - Dominican Education in Ireland 1820-1930
Michael O'Sullivan reviews Dominican Education in Ireland 1820-1930 by Máire M Kealy OP and published by Irish Academic Press
2009-06-03 09:25:17 - The Irish Famine
David Granville reviews O'Brien Pocket History of The Irish Famine by Ruán O'Donnell, published by The O'Brien Press, Robert Emmet, 1798 Rebellion
2009-06-02 11:42:42 - Reviews in Brief
David Granville reviews Derry Memoirs by Phil Cunningham (Guildhall Press; 50 Things You Didn't Know About 1916 by Mick O'Farrell (Mercier Press)and Great Irish Heroes by Sean McMahon (Mercier Press)
2009-06-02 11:14:08 - Troubled History
Ruaírí Ó Domhnaill reviews Troubled History: a 10th anniversary critique of Peter Hart’s ‘The IRA and its Enemies’ by Brian P. Murphy and Niall Meehan with an introduction by Ruan O’Donnell, published by the Aubane Historical Society
2009-05-17 15:54:48 - Lest we forget: the Fighting Irish and the Great War
Ruaírí Ó Domhnaill reviews Lest We Forget: the Fighting Irish and the Great War by Brendan Clifford, Aubane Historical Society
2009-05-13 17:33:10 - Source of enjoyment on a wet day
Donal Kennedy finds much to commend in the multiple volumes of the Dictionary of National Biography
2009-05-13 17:16:53 - Letter: Donal Kennedy
Donal Kennedy advocates the sacking of Labour's Northern Ireland secretary Shaun Woodward
2009-05-13 17:10:04 - ICJ report draws lessons from Northern Ireland
The Committee on the Administration of Justice (CAJ) welcomes the publication of a major international report by the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) on counter-terrorism and human rights. The report draws heavily on the organisation's own findings published in 2008
2009-04-30 11:16:42 - British parties set to muddy Good Friday waters
David Granville explains why recent developments involving both the Conservative Party and the British Labour Party could harm the reconciliation process in Northern Ireland
2009-04-29 22:43:52 - Sinn Fein continues to look left
David Granville examines the latest developments in Sinn Féin's efforts to forge a progressive alliance of the left in Ireland
2009-04-29 22:19:21 - Light, Freedom and Song
Michael O'Sullivan reviews Light, Freedom and Song: a cultural history of modern Irish writing by David Pierce, published Yale University Press
2009-04-29 18:29:50 - West Kerry and The Last Rightboy
Michael O'Sullivan reviews West Kerry and The Last Rightboy, two Plays by Jim Lucason, published by Beag Moinear Press
2009-04-29 15:28:58 - God's Executioner
Michael O'Sullivan reviews God's Executioner: Oliver Cromwell and the conquest of Ireland by Micheal O’Siochru, published by Faber & Faber,
2009-04-29 15:15:18 - The People's Gallery
Fionnbarra O'Dochartaigh reviews a new book featuring the work of ‘The Bogside Artists’: Tom Kelly, Kevin Hasson and William Kelly
2009-04-22 10:48:38 - In Search of Ireland's Heroes
Ruaírí Ó Domhnaill reviews In search of Ireland’s Heroes: the story of the Irish from the Norman invasion to the present day by Carmel McCaffrey, published in the United States by Ivan R. Dee
2009-04-19 12:33:48 - First Things First
David Granville reviews First Things First the debut album from Scottish virtuoso harpist Ailie Robertson,
2009-04-16 14:57:13 - At Last
David Granville reviews the debut solo album of Derry-based singer Maranna McCloskey
2009-04-16 09:48:34 - The Story of Easter Week 1916
David Granville reviews ‘The Story of Easter Week 1916’, a series of eight radio programmes, originally broadcast by RTÉ in 1966 to mark the 50th anniversary of the Rising and recently made available in Britain through the auspices of Copperplate Distribution
2009-04-14 18:32:52 - Humbug, hypocrisy and the art of the smear
In the second of his new series ‘Dissing the famous’ Irish Democrat correspondent takes aim at the London Times
2009-04-14 15:16:48 - Run it up the flagpole
Citizen Smith recounts a chance encounter with a fellow Irishman outside the South African embassy in Trafalgar Square
2009-04-13 16:28:25 - British policy a 'recruiting sergeant' for dissidents
David Granville warns that Britain's response to the threat posed by ‘dissident’ republicans is both anti-democratic and a potential threat to the Good Friday process
2009-04-13 15:43:22 - Dissing the Famous:
Donal Kennedy begins a new series in which he takes aim at leading figures on both sides of the Irish Sea, exposing hypocrisy and humbug along the way. He begins the series with Gay Mitchell MEP
2009-04-13 15:30:23 - Ballymurphy 11 bring justice campaign to England
Mary Pearson of the Troops Out Movement reports on the recent visit of relatives of two of the 11 innocent and unarmed civilians killed by the British army during the first three days of internment in 1971
2009-04-13 15:12:05 - Irish democracy and its enemies
Donal Kennedy points out that the enemies of Irish democracy from the time of Wolfe Tone to the present have been both persistent and plentiful
2009-04-13 14:46:29 - New Finucane enquiry call
The 12th of February 2009 marked the 20th anniversary of the murder by loyalist gunmen, working in collusion with British security forces, of the Belfast human-rights solicitor Patrick Finucane, David Granville explains why the Finucane family and human-rights campaigners continue to demand an independent inquiry
2009-03-21 07:12:40 - Sheffield Irish Festival event is a family affair
Father and son Al and Ruan O'Donnell, the former an Irish folk legend, the latter one of Ireland's most prominent historians, are set to educate and entertain Irish festival goers in Sheffield on Monday 16th March
2009-03-12 10:03:10 - 1916: The Long Revolution
Ruaírí Ó Domhnaill reviews 1916 – The Long Revolution. by G. Doherty and D. Keogh (eds), published by Mercier Press
2009-03-12 09:28:52 - The Bombs and the Bullets: a history of deadly ingenuity
Peter Berresford Ellis reviews IRA – The Bombs and the Bullets: a history of deadly ingenuity by A.R. Oppenheimer, foreword by Richard English, published by Irish Academic Press
2009-03-12 08:47:11 - Connolly Association press statement
Connolly Association press statement on issued on Monday 9 March 2009 on the deployment of the British army Special Reconnaissance Regiment (SRR) and the attack on the British army barracks in Antrim on Sunday 8 March
2009-03-12 07:23:06 - Gagging for a Royal visit
Citizen Smith comments on a campaign that has been developing in Dublin to hasten a state visit by the British monarch
2009-02-03 20:58:42 - After The Wake
Michael O'Sullivan reviews Brendan Behan: after the wake, edited by Peter Fallon, published by The O’Brien Press
2009-02-01 08:13:17 - Special Criminal Court 1922 - 2006
Michael O'Sullivan reviews The History and Development of the Special Criminal Court 1922-2005 by Fergal Francis Davis, published by Four Courts Press,
2009-02-01 07:48:17 - History on the screen
Donal Kennedy delves into the Pathe-News archives which are now available free-to-view on the world-wide-web
2009-01-28 14:30:25 - Obituary: Bob Doyle 1916 - 2009
Robert Griffiths and others pay their respects to the Irish patriot, Communist and international brigader who died recently
2009-01-27 09:48:34 - Tatchell calls for Maguire repatriation
British human-rights campaigner Peter Tatchell has recently written to the Irish justice minister Dermor Ahern calling upon him to support the repatriation of republican prisoner Nope Maguire, convicted in 2003 of involvement in a real IRA bombing campaign in England
2009-01-26 17:35:35 - Letter: Donal Kennedy
Donal Kennedy writes in concerning Ruairi O Domhnaill's review of ‘John Redmond – the Parnellite’
2009-01-26 16:42:43 - Academics call for EU/Israel links cut
Over 145 Irish academics today issued a call for the EU to cut links with Israel. We publish the story here along with their letter to the Irish Times
2009-01-23 18:44:55 - Ireland still matters
David Granville believes it's time for progressives and democrats in Britain to start talking about Irish politics again
2009-01-23 13:17:13 - Let Tommy Sing
David Granville argues that Channel 4's recent censorship of a rendition of ‘The Fields of Athenry’ highlights both the muddle-headed thinking behind some recent attempts to combat sectarianism in Scotland and demonstrates a worrying trend towards the censorship of songs with political content
2009-01-23 12:32:44 - The Evolution of the Troubles
Roy Johnston reviews The Evolution of the Troubles 1970-72 by Thomas Hennessey, published by Irish Academic Press
2009-01-23 12:01:32 - The Pedigree of a Porky
Domhnall O'Cinneide explains how shoddy journalism, political bias and deliberate misinformation get dressed up as indisputable ‘fact’ in the columns of the British press and can take on a life of their own
2009-01-23 11:30:51 - Framing the West
Peter Mulligan reviews Framing the West: images of rural Ireland 1891-1920, Ciara Breathnach (ed.), foreword by Cormac Ó Gráda, published Irish Academic Press
2009-01-23 11:05:48 - High Noon on High Street
Cathleen Knowles McGuirk reviews High Noon on High Street by Stephen Coyle, published by Clydeside Press
2009-01-23 10:57:26 - News 2009
News and comment publish by the Irish Democrat in 2009
2009-01-23 10:41:43 - Breandan MacLua, 1935 - 2009
Domhnall O’Cinneide pays tribute to campaigning Irish journalist Breandan MacLua who died earlier this month
2009-01-23 10:32:06 - CA civil-rights conference report
Ken Keable reports on a special conference held in London in November to mark the 70th anniversary year of the Connolly Association's contribution to the fight for Irish unity and independence (Apologies for the late posting of this report which was due to technical difficulties experienced towards the end of last year)
2009-01-01 14:09:01 - Redmond: the Parnellite
Ruaírí Ó Domhnaill reviews Redmond: the Parnellite by Dermot Meleady, published Cork University Press
2008-12-15 23:18:35 - The 1918 election - setting the record straight
Donal Kennedy challenges the attempts by British commentators to undermine Sinn Fein's victory at the 1918 General Election and berates those Irish politicians, journalists and academics who have adopted such spurious arguments as their own
2008-12-11 18:56:37 - Wars of Words: the politics of language in Ireland 1537-2004
Ruaírí Ó Domhnaill reviews Wars of Words: the politics of language in Ireland 1537-2004 by Tony Crowley and published Oxford University Press
2008-12-10 17:42:40 - Female Education in Ireland, 1700-1900
Sally Richardson reviews Female Education in Ireland 1700-1900 by Deirdre Raftery and Susan M Parkes and published by Irish Academic Press
2008-12-10 06:18:36 - Letters of Bernard Shaw to the Times
Sally Richardson reviews The Letters of Bernard Shaw to the Times, collected and annotated by Ronald Ford with a foreword by Michel W Pharand and published by Irish Academic Press
2008-12-10 06:05:25 - The Quest For Modern Ireland
Roy Johnston reviews The Quest for Modern Ireland: the battle of ideas 1912-1986 by Bryan Fanning and published by Irish Academic Press
2008-12-09 11:36:33 - Ireland Since 1939
Roy Johnston reviews Ireland since 1939: the persistence of conflict by Henry Patterson and published by Penguin
2008-12-09 11:07:15 - The Irish-American in Popular Culture 1945-2000
Michael O'Sullivan reviews The Irish-American in Popular Culture 1945-2000 by Stephanie Rains and published by Irish Academic Press
2008-12-09 10:58:35 - ESF calls for mobilization to strengthen workers' rights
Joint statement from the three Trade Union seminars on the ECJ judgments on Laval, Viking, Rüffert and Luxemburg cases at the ESF in Malmö 21 September 2008.
2008-12-09 10:48:13 - Tuned Up
David Granville reviews the pure genius of Brendan Hendry, Brendan Mulholland and Paul McSherry's new album, Tuned Up
2008-11-27 06:12:33 - Ireland gets 'Clog Award'
One of Ireland's most prominent anti-EU campaign groups has been presented with the "Clog Award” by fellow anti-EU campaigners in Denmark. It is the third time that Ireland, which rejected the Lisbon Treaty in June, has been presented with the award.
2008-11-02 00:25:43 - McBride family express concern at British army march
The family of Peter McBride, the Belfast teenager murdered by Irish guardsmen Wright and Fisher, speaks out against British army parade due to take place in Belfast tomorrow
2008-11-01 23:46:27 - Protests planned over controversial British army march
Fears that a controversial British army march through Belfast tomorrow will end in violent confrontation have not been dispelled by concilaitory gestures on behalf of mainstream republicanism and the MoD
2008-11-01 22:19:19 - The civil rights struggle and its legacy
An article commemorating the civil rights struggle and accessing its legacy was originally published in September as a special supplement to <em>Socialist Voice</em>, the monthly publication of the Dublin District of the Communist Party of Ireland. We reproduce it here with permission.
2008-11-01 17:35:44 - "Derry today is a different place" - McGuinness
Speech delivered by Sinn Féin's Martin McGuinness on 4 October at an event in Derry marking the 40th anniversary Northern Ireland civil rights struggle
2008-11-01 17:17:51 - MacAnespie family welcomes HET report
The family of Aidan McAnespie, who was shot and fatally wounded by a British soldier in 1988, recently issued the following statement through the independent Derry-based human rights centr the Pat Finucane Centre
2008-10-31 15:36:27 - Sean Treacy And The Tan War
Michael O'Sullivan Sean Tracy And The Tan War by Joe Ambrose and published by Mercier Press
2008-09-23 10:37:07 - The Life And Times Of Edward Martyn
Michael O'Sullivan reviews The Life And Times Of Edward Martyn: an aristocratic bohemian by Madeline Humphreys and published Irish Academic Press
2008-09-23 10:05:04 - Rising Out: Sean Connolly of Longford
Michael O'Sullivan reviews Rising Out: Sean Connolly of Longford (1890-1921) by Ernie O’Malley, edited by Cormac O'Malley and published by UCD Press in their Classics of Irish History series
2008-09-23 09:49:06 - Ronnie I hardly knew ya!
Gerry Molumby pays tribue to the gravel-throated voice of the Dubliners, Ronnie Drew, who died recently
2008-09-03 22:16:56 - The Blame Game
Roy Johnston reviews The Blame Game: rethinking Ireland's sustainable development and environmental performance by Brendan Flynn, published Irish Academic Press
2008-09-02 13:05:15 - The Impact Of The 1916 Rising
Ken Keable reviews The Impact Of The 1916 Rising Among the Nations edited by Ruán O’Donnell and published by Irish Academic Press
2008-09-02 12:38:37 - Northern Ireland's '68
David Granville reviews Northern Ireland's '68: civil rights, global revolt and the origins of The Troubles by Simon Prince and published by Irish Academic Press
2008-08-27 14:24:01 - Minister exposes plans for referendum re-run
Anti-Lisbon Treaty campaigners claim that a statement by European affairs minister Dick Roche reveals that Irish government is already planning to hold another referendum on the treaty rejected by Irish voters earlier this year
2008-08-26 21:03:40 - Learning the lessons of Féile an Phobail
Prior to this year's annual Féile an Phobail, west Belfast's ever-popular community festival, Nottingham-based actor and theatre director Gerry Molumby spoke to festival chair Danny Morrison about the origins and significance of the event – and of what lessons Irish festivals in Britain could learn from it
2008-08-22 14:40:44 - 2008 Desmond Greaves Summer School
The 40th anniversary of the first civil rights marches in Northern Ireland provides the theme for this year's Desmond Greaves summer school. The school takes place in Dublin between 29 – 31 August.
2008-08-22 11:30:45 - Blood On The Streets
David Granville reviews Blood On The Streets: the battle of Mount Street Bridge by Paul O’Brien, published Mercier Press
2008-08-22 11:11:16 - Roddy Connolly And The Struggle For Socialism
Adrian Grant reviews Roddy Connolly And The Struggle For Socialism in Ireland by Charlie McGuire, published by Cork University Press
2008-08-01 16:58:01 - Intervening In Northern Ireland
Roy Johnston reviews Intervening In Northern Ireland: critically re-thinking representations of the conflict, John Barry and Marysia Zalewski (eds), published by Routledge
2008-08-01 16:50:35 - Protesters call for prisoner repatriation
Earlier this month, protesters gathered in Dublin’s O’Connell Street to put pressure on the Dublin and London governments to live up to their obligations to prisoners as laid down by the European Union. The protest was organised by éirígí, an Irish socialist republican party. We reproduce this report, which first appeared on éirígí's website, for information
2008-07-23 12:12:47 - No campaigners reject Sarkozy 're-run' comments
Statements from The People's Movement and Sinn Fein following a meeting In Dublin on Monday 21 July with Fench president Nicolas Sarkozy
2008-07-23 09:58:27 - Government still in denial over Lisbon vote
People's Movement chairperson today accused the Irish government of being in a state of denial over the result of Lisbon Treaty vote and criticed the French president for scrapping plans to meet with No-vote campaigners
2008-07-17 17:13:26 - New challenge to Hart's Kilmichael account
Ten years after the publication of Peter Hart's controversial book 'The IRA and its Enemies, Niall Meehan looks back on the controversy and points to new evidence which undermines the Newfoundland historian's account
2008-07-17 15:29:12 - Civil Rights commemorative website launched
Veterans of the civil rights struggle in the six counties have launched a 40th anniversary commemorative website
2008-07-11 13:09:24 - British urged to allow access to atrocity documents
Justice For the Forgotten, which represents victims and survivors of the Dublin and Monaghan bombings, today welcomed the all-party support in the Dáil for a motion urging the British government “to allow access by an independent, international judicial figure to all original documents held by the British government relating to the atrocities”.
2008-07-10 16:05:32 - Béal Tuinne
David Granville reviews Béal Tuinne, a collection of Irish songs bringing together the talents of traditional west Kerry musicians and those of composer Shaun Davey and singer Rita Connolly (Tara TARACD 4022)
2008-07-07 13:59:02 - Irish say No to Lisbon Treaty
Brian Denny of Trade Unionists Against the EU Constitution explains the impact of the Irish people's historic No vote
2008-07-04 14:46:57 - The Lisbon Treaty is dead
A statement on the Lisbon Treaty referendum result by the Communist Party of Ireland
2008-07-04 12:00:06 - Centre challenges four post-Lisbon falsehoods
Media statement on the post-Lisbon Treaty situation issued on 25 June by the National Platform EU Research and Information Centre
2008-07-04 11:32:07 - Great Hatred, Little Room
Tom Griffin reviews Great Hatred, Little Room: making Peace in Northern Ireland by Jonathan Powell, published by Bodley Head
2008-07-04 10:45:04 - Relative of collusion victim tours England
The issue of collusiom between loyalist paramilitaries and British state forces came to the fore during the recent visit to England, at the invitation of the Troops Out Movement, of collusion victim relative Robert McClenaghan. We reproduce here for information a report of Robert McClenaghan's supplied by TOM
2008-07-03 10:40:15 - Strathaven Martyr remembered
Report of the 1820 Society annual commemoration in honourof the Scottish radical leader James Wilson, which took palce was held on 14 June in Strathaven, Scotland
2008-07-02 11:39:57 - Bloomsday in Northampton
To celebrate Bloomsday (June 16) 2008, the Irish Community Arts Project presented their annual Bloomsday event at the graveside of Anna Lucia Joyce, daughter of James and Nora Joyce, at Kingsthorpe Cemetery in Northampton. Short report and pictures.
2008-07-01 14:06:56 - Towards Irish unity
Speaking at the London Irish Centre in Camden, Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams gave a progress report on the Good Friday and St Andrews agreements and emphasised the need to mobilise support in Britain for Irish unity. We publish here an edited version of his speech.
2008-06-30 12:32:02 - Sheridan's Guesthouse
David Granville reviews Sheridan's Guesthouse by Leitrim flautist Dave Sheridan and friends
2008-06-27 12:16:53 - Three new traditional music releases
David Granville reviews three new traditional music offerings from the highly respected Copperplate stable: The Factory Turn (Damian O' Brien and Oliver Loughlin); Parish Platform (Rattle The Boards); Rógaire Dubh (Lorcán MacMathúna)
2008-06-20 12:21:19 - Green MEPs urge Irish voters not to be swayed by outside pressure
Prominent European Green MEPs, Caroline Lucas (UK) and Carl Schlyter (Sweden) have sent messages of support to those campaigning for a No vote in the Lisbon Treaty referendum
2008-06-12 11:33:48 - Left To The Wolves: Irish victims of Stalinist terror
Fintan Lane reviews Left To The Wolves: Irish Victims of Stalinist terror by Barry McLoughlin, published by Irish Academic Press
2008-04-21 17:48:19 - Gerry Fitt: political chameleon
David Granville reviews Gerry Fitt: a political chameleon by Michael A. Murphy (foreword by Tim Pat Coogan), published by Mercier Press
2008-03-27 14:41:08 - In their own words
Central to the British Labour government's justification for denying the British people a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty has been that the ‘new’ treaty is fundamentally different. Some of the EU's most senior politicians beg to differ
2008-03-17 18:27:38 - Petticoat Loose
David Granville reviews Mary McPartlan's excellent follow-up to The Holland Handkerchief
2008-03-17 14:53:42 - Paisley forced to bow out
David Granville comments on the recent announcemnet by DUP leader Ian Paisley that he is to stand down as party leader and Stormont first minister in May
2008-03-13 18:26:40 - Gregory joins No campaign
Those campaigning for a No vote in the coming Lisbon Treaty referendum have welcomed the support of independent TD Tony Gregory
2008-03-13 18:16:05 - Sean McLoughlin
Charlie McGuire sheds some light on the important but largely forgotten role played by Sean McLoughlin in Ireland's independence struggle and the civil war which followed the signing of the Treaty with Britain
2008-03-13 15:21:48 - Communists and the Irish civil war
Historian Charlie McGuire outlines the role of Irish communists in the civil war of 1922-23
2008-03-13 14:11:00 - Time to vote for something better
The National Platform EU Research and Information Centre sets out what it sees as the main implications of the Lisbon Treaty and why Irish citizens should vote No in the coming referendum
2008-03-12 12:10:30 - Civil rights commemoration planned
Work is underway to stage events throughout the six counties to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Northern Ireland's civil rights stuggle
2008-03-11 14:44:50 - CND votes to oppose treaty
Irish CND members attending the organisation's recent AGM gave their overwhelming backing to a motion calling for a ‘No’ vote in the coming Lisbon Treaty referendum
2008-03-11 12:39:56 - Queen's Rebels: Ulster loyalism in historical perspective
Ruaírí Ó Domhnaíll reviews Queen’s Rebels: Ulster loyalism in historical perspective by David W. Miller, published by UCD Press,
2008-03-07 17:22:50 - Bobby Casey: The Spirit of West Clare
Ken Keable reviews Bobby Casey: the spirit of West Clare, classic recordings of the great Irish fiddler from the '60s and '70s
2008-03-07 16:27:57 - Wallop The Spot
David Granville reviews Wallop The Spot, the new album by Four Men and A Dog
2008-02-26 15:21:13 - The Origin Of The Troubles
Roy Johnston reviews Northern Ireland: the Origin of the Troubles by Thomas Hennessey and published by Gill Macmillan
2008-02-12 12:13:53 - Union to campaign for a 'No' vote
Unite, one of Ireland's largest unions is to campaign for a no' vote in the coming Lisbon Treaty referendum
2008-02-08 11:56:16 - Appeal for taoiseach to end 'boot-boy' tactics
Opponents of the Lisbon Treaty have called upon Irish taoiseach Bertie Ahern to desist from using ‘boot-boy’ tactics and to acknowledge the legitimate concerns of those on the No side of the referendum argument
2008-02-05 14:01:33 - Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson
Ruaírí Ó Domhnaill reviews Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson: a political soldier by Keith Jeffery, published by Oxford University Press
2008-02-04 14:02:51 - Call for early establishment of Referendum Commission
Prominent figures urge the Irish government to call the Referendum Commission into being well in advance of the referendum on the Lisbon Treaty
2008-02-04 13:45:00 - Ireland And The Cold War
Joe Jamison reviews Ireland And The Cold War: diplomacy and recognition, 1949-63 by Paula A. Wylie and published Irish Academic Press
2008-02-04 13:14:04 - Still fighting for truth on collusion
Theo Russell reports on the recent Bloody Sunday commemoration event in London
2008-02-04 13:10:05 - EU illusions shattered
Trade Unionists Against the EU Constitution spokesperson Brian Denny exposes the anti-union agender at work within the EU and underscores the need in Britain for a referendum on the currently being debated by the BRitish parliamentremamed treaty
2008-01-21 13:12:56 - News 2008
News and comment from the Irish Democrat 2008
2008-01-21 13:00:56 - Irish Republicanism In Scotland 1858-1916
Stephen Coyle reviews Irish Republicanism In Scotland 1858-1916: Fenians in exile by Mairtin Sean O’Cathain, published by Irish Academic Press
2008-01-09 11:10:06 - More support needed for Irish in Britain
A report published by a committee of the Irish-Britisn Inter-Parliamentary Body highlights the need for greater support for Irish community living in Britain
2007-11-27 14:06:50 - Remembering the Manchester Martyrs
On the one-hundred-and-fortieth anniversary of the execution of the three innocent Fenians, David Granville previews a one-day conference at the Working Class Movement Library in Salford to commemorate this event
2007-11-23 12:02:07 - Giuliani angers Irish-America
US Republican Party presidential hopeful Rudi Giuliani's recent acceptance of the Margaret Thatcher ‘Medal of Honour’ has not gone down well with Irish-Americans
2007-11-15 11:17:11 - New light shed on IRA's Border Campaign
Irish historian Ruan O'Donnell to shed new light on the IRA's Border Campaign at a meeting in London on 14 November organised by the Four Provinces Bookshop
2007-11-13 13:30:08 - The Irish Conservative Party
Michael O'Sullivan reviews The Irish Conservative Party 1852-1868: land, politics and religion by Andrew Shields, published by Irish Academic Press
2007-11-13 13:07:46 - A Provisional Dictator: James Stevens
Michael O'Sullivan reviews A Provisional Dictator: James Stephens and the Fenian movement by Marta Ramon, published by UCD Press,
2007-11-13 12:59:35 - Signs of re-alignment in the unionist camp
David Granville suggests that the honeymoon in the north could soon be over as tensions and divisions mount within the unionist/loyalist camp and the need for decisions in key policy areas approaches
2007-10-05 13:47:03 - Call for Aegis' expulsion from Iraq
David Granville looks at how the mother of murdered Belfast teenager Peter McBride has top mercenary Tim Spicer in her sights
2007-10-05 13:21:07 - Re-assessing the 50s Border Campaign
John Murphy praises a fresh look at the IRA's border campaign of the late 1950s
2007-10-05 12:51:13 - Old Boots and Flying Sandals
David Granville reviews Old Boots and Flying Sandals by Tim Dennehy
2007-08-18 11:02:17 - Mise Éire/Saoirse? (DVD)
David Granville welcomes the release on DVD of two Irish documentary film classics charting the dramatic events surrounding Ireland's freedom struggle in the early decades of the 20th century
2007-08-10 14:10:19 - House Resolution 740
In May 2006, the US Congress passed a resolution condemning the 2005 Enquiries Act, a rare example of the US Congress formally criticising a British act of parliament. The full text of that resolution is reproduced here for reference purposes
2007-07-31 12:04:35 - Enemies Of Empire
Michael O'Sullivan reviews Enemies of Empire: new perspectives on imperialism, literature and historiography, Eoin Flannery and Angus Mitchell (eds), published by Four Courts Press
2007-07-26 14:07:53 - Proposed EU treaty an assault on democracy
Anthony Coughlan of the National Platform EU Research and Information Centre identifies four important aspects of the proposed revised EU constitutional treaty and explains why democrats everywhere should oppose it
2007-07-26 13:02:04 - Debating the peace process
Theo Russell reports on a recent cross-party meeting on the Irish peace process hosted by the Islinton North branch of the Labour Party
2007-07-25 14:25:36 - 2007 Greaves Summer School
Programme of the 19th Desmond Greaves Summer
2007-07-21 13:42:40 - Stepping stone to unity
Far from being the ‘final settlement’ suggested by British ministers, the restoration of the Good Friday institutions represents a further move towards British withdrawal and the reunification of Ireland, and presents new challenges and opportunities for the left in Britain, argues Ken Keable
2007-07-21 13:29:51 - Remember To Smile
David Granville reviews Remember To Smile, Neil McSweeney and the Gents, Little Mester Music
2007-07-21 12:52:17 - The Northern IRA
Fintan Lane reviews The Northern IRA and the Early Years of Partition, 1920–1922, Irish Academic Press by Robert Lynch, published by Irish Academic Press
2007-07-21 11:55:51 - The Meaning Of Life
Ruaírí Ó Domhnaill reviews The Meaning of Life by Terry Eagleton, published by Oxford University Press
2007-07-21 11:41:56 - Reviews in Brief
Ruán O'Donnell reviews The Irish Army in the Congo, 1960-1964, The Far Battalions by David O'Donoughue, published by Irish Academic Press, and Broken Rails: crashes and sabotage on Irish railways by Brian Mac Aongusa, published by Currach Press
2007-07-20 14:15:30 - Essay on Irish Bulls
Michael O'Sullivan reviews An Essay on Irish Bulls by Maria Edgeworth, Jane Desmarais and Marilyn Butler (eds), published by UCD Press in its Classics of Irish History series
2007-07-20 13:00:23 - Intelligence, Statecraft and International Power
Roy Johnston reviews Intelligence, Statecraft and International Power, Eunan O'Halpin, Robert Armstrong and Jane Ohlmeyer (eds), published by Irish Academic Press
2007-07-20 12:42:10 - Ireland's Great Famine
Michael O'Sullivan reviews Ireland's Great Famine: interdisciplinary perspectives by Cormac O Grada, published by UCD Press,
2007-07-20 12:16:43 - Irish Women Religious
Ruaírí Ó Domhnaill reviews Made Holy: Irish Women Religious at home and abroad. Yvonne McKenna, Irish Academic Press
2007-07-20 11:58:10 - Seán O’Hegarty biography
Peter Berresford Ellis reviews Seán O’Hegarty: O/C First Cork Brigade, Irish Republican Army by Kevin Girvin Aubane Historical Society
2007-07-20 11:40:54 - Over there comes over here
David Granville looks at some recent examples of how the British presence in Ireland continues to have consequences for democracy in Britain
2007-06-04 10:13:52 - Equality fault-line opens
David Granvillle argues that measures designed to tackle inequality are already proving to be a source of division between unionists and nationalists at Stormont
2007-06-04 09:54:54 - The 'teflon' taoiseach does it again
David Granville provides some initial thoughts on the 2007 twenty-six county General Election results
2007-05-28 18:13:12 - Ron Kavana's Irish Ways
David Granville reviews Irish Ways: the story of Ireland in music, song and poetry (4 CD set and book box set, Proper Records)
2007-05-21 13:46:54 - Geantraí
David Granville reviews Geantraí, various artists (available in CD & DVD formats), TG4/Gael Linn
2007-05-20 07:22:19 - Hunger Strike, reflections
David Granville reviews Hunger Strike, reflections on the 1981 hunger strike, Danny Morrison (ed.), published by Brandon
2007-05-19 18:46:25 - Irish women trade union pioneers
To mark International Women’s Day (March 8) in 2007, the European Year of Equal Opportunities for All, the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) and SIPTU, have produced a pack of postcards depicting some of the women ‘pioneers’ of the labour and trade union movement.
2007-05-17 16:36:48 - Loughall: 20 years on
Photographer Louise Jefferson recently attended events marking the 20th anniversary of the Loughall massacre and here provides a moving personal account of her visit
2007-05-17 13:26:46 - Unity: closer than anyone thinks
Connolly Association president Moya St Leger argues that Irish citizens remain unprepared for unity
2007-05-17 10:11:05 - The dawning of a new era?
Writing a few days before the re-establishment of the Stormont assembly, David Granville looks towards the resumption of the Good Friday process
2007-05-17 09:58:14 - Equality, The Unfinished Agenda
Joe Jamison reviews Equality in Northern Ireland: the Rhetoric and the Reality, Committee on the Administration of Justice (CAJ)
2007-04-25 22:37:03 - The IRA and Armed Struggle
Sean Carey reviews The IRA and Armed Struggle by Rogelio Alonso, Routledge
2007-04-25 22:05:49 - Women of the Dáil:
Peter Berresford Ellis reviews Women of the Dáil: Gender, Republicanism and the Anglo-Irish Treaty by Jason Knirck, foreword by Maria Luddy, Irish Academic Press
2007-04-25 16:37:48 - The Open Secret of Ireland
Ian Mc Keane reviews The Open Secret of Ireland by Thomas Kettle (new introduction by Senia Pašeta), UCD Press Classics of Irish History series
2007-04-25 16:19:35 - Galway and the Great War
Peter Berresford Ellis reviews Galway and the Great War by William Henry, Mercier Press
2007-04-25 16:09:26 - Irish Flames
Peter Berresford Ellis reviews Irish Flames: Peter Waller’s true story of the arrival of the Black and Tans by John Waller, Yiannis Books
2007-04-25 12:04:48 - The Ivy Leaf: the Parnells remembered
Michael O'Sullivan reviews The Ivy Leaf: the Parnells remembered by Donal McCartney and Pauric Travers, UCD Press
2007-04-25 11:59:19 - Souvenirs of Irish Footprints Over Europe
Ian McKeane reviews Souvenirs of Irish Footprints Over Europe by Eugene Davis (edited and with an introduction by Owen McGee), UCD Press
2007-04-25 11:50:59 - Fron-Goch and the birth of the IRA
Peter Berresford Ellis reviews Fron-Goch and the birth of the IRA by Lyn Ebenezer, Gwas Carreg Gwalch
2007-04-25 11:43:03 - Sophie Bryant (part 2)
The second installment of Peter Berresford Ellis's two-part feature on the life and work of the Irish feminist, educationalist and nationalist, Sophie Bryant
2007-04-24 13:40:42 - Dublin Then and Now
Sally Richardson reviews Dublin Then and Now by Louise Jefferson (foreword by Robert Ballagh), Brehon Press
2007-04-20 12:42:47 - US labour organisations back Connolly film
Two US labour groups, the Irish-American Labor Coalition (IALC) and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, have announced that they are each to make a $10,000 investment in the forthcoming film about the life of James Connolly
2007-03-27 17:25:26 - Who Stole Our Game: the fall and fall of Irish soccer
Gerry Kelly reviews Who Stole Our Game: the fall and fall of Irish soccer by Daire Whelan and published by Gill & Macmillan
2007-03-27 15:08:34 - Civilizing Ireland: Ordnannce Survey 1824-1842
Roy Johnston reviews Civilizing Ireland: Ordnannce Survey 1824-1842, ethnography, cartography, translation by Stiofain O Cadhla and published by Irish Academic Press
2007-03-27 14:22:06 - Irish Studies Review (Vol.15, number 1)
Roy Johnston reviews the latest issue of the Irish Studies Review
2007-03-27 14:02:58 - Sophie Bryant (part 1)
The first installment of Peter Berresford Ellis's two-part feature on the life and work of the Irish feminist, educationalist and nationalist, Sophie Bryant
2007-03-13 14:43:49 - Censorship in the two Irelands
Peter Berresford Ellis reviews Censorship in the Two Irelands, 1922-1939 by Peter Martin (foreword by Diarmaid Ferriter) and published by Irish Academic Press
2007-03-13 14:12:19 - Eddie's Own Aquarius
Peter Mulligan reviews Eddie's Own Aquarius – a special edition of the well-respeted literary journal
edited for over 35 years by Irishman Eddie Linden
2007-03-13 13:54:05 - Irish Freedom
David Granville reviews Irish Freedom: the history of nationalism in Ireland by Richard English, Macmillan
2007-03-13 13:42:47 - Mac Curtain Family Memoir
Peter Berresford Ellis reviews Remember it's For Ireland: a family memoir of Tomas Mac Curtain by Fionnula Mac Curtain, Mercier Press
2007-03-13 13:01:28 - Irish Times Book of the 1916 Rising
Declan O'Brien reviews The Irish Time Book of the 1916 Rising by Shane Hegarty and Fintan O'Toole, Gill and Macmillan, ISBN13:978-07171-4191-3
2007-03-13 12:18:20 - The Philosophy of Irish Ireland
Ruaírí Ó Domhnaill reviews The Philosophy of Irish Ireland by D P Moran (ed. Patrick Maume), UCD Press Classics of Irish History series
2007-03-13 12:07:49 - The Burning of Cork
Peter Berresford Ellis reviews The Burning of Cork
Gerry White and Brendan O’Shea Mercier Press
2007-03-13 11:50:14 - Flanagan must go - for all our sakes
David Granville argues that the presence of Ronnie Flanagan as head of Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Police in England and Wales is another example of how the legacy of the British state's counter-insurgency activities in Ireland continues to cast a murky shadow over everyone in Britain
2007-03-13 10:22:18 - Ireland and India
Avtar Sadiq reviews Ireland and India: colonies, culture and empire, Tadhg Foley and Maureen O'Connor (eds) published by Irish Academic Press. The book includes a foreword by Saurabh Kumar
2007-02-27 14:55:43 - Music, film, theatre reviews
Music, film and theatre reviews in the Irish Democrat
2007-02-16 12:51:20 - Hain rules out deadline extension
British secretary of state Peter Hain warns rules out any extension of the 25 deadline on establishing a power-sharing executive (IAIS agency report)
2007-02-16 12:22:39 - Another step on the road back to civil rights approach
David Granville argues that the British government needs to come to the aid of unionists by persuading them that their best interests lie in an accomodation with nationalists on the basis of the Good Friday and St Andrews agreements – and ultimately within a united Ireland
2007-02-15 18:59:18 - Handloom Weavers in Ulster’s Linen Industry
Dorothy Calvert reviews Handloom Weavers in Ulster’s Linen Industry, 1815-1914, by Kevin J. James, Four Courts Press
2007-02-15 18:31:31 - Landlords, Tenants, Famine
Michael O'Sullivan reviews Landlords, Tenants, Famine: the business of an Irish agency in the 1840s by Desmond Norton, UCD Press
2007-02-13 10:52:24 - Edmund Burke's Irish Identities
Michael O'Sullivan reviews Edmund Burke's Irish Identities, Sean Patrick Donlan (ed), Irish Academic Press
2007-02-13 10:38:08 - A Rough Shot of Lipstick
David Granville reviews Tony Reidy's latest CD, A Rough Shot of Lipstick
2007-02-10 15:35:51 - The Ominous and the Luminous
David Granville reviews Mick Sands' debut album, The Ominous and the Luminous, Box Room Records, 2006,
2007-02-09 12:14:15 - The Sage of Science
Roy Johnston reviews
J D Bernal: The Sage of Science, by Andrew Brown, Oxford University Press,
2007-01-30 21:58:24 - Kathleen Lynn: Irishwomen, patriot, doctor
Peter Berresford Ellis reviews
Kathleen Lynn: Irishwomen, patriot, doctor
Margaret Ó hÓgartaigh Irish Academic Press
2007-01-30 21:47:47 - When is a deadline not a deadline?
Originally published in December 2006, David Granville argues that the countdown towards Blair's departure from Number 10 well underway, the British prime minister remains keen to ensure that failure in Ireland is not added to a legacy which is already set to be dominated by the catastophy resulting from the invasion and occupation of Iraq
2007-01-30 14:50:05 - Hain and NIO officials accused over appointment
Direct rule minister Petet Hain and NIO officials came under fire in December after a High Court judge ruled that the appointment of Bertha McDougall as Interm Victim Commissioner had been motivated by “improper political purpose”
2007-01-30 13:52:16 - Local government - reform or embryonic repartition?
Although posing a danger of further entrenching sectarian divisions, local government reforms give Sinn Féin an opportunity to demonstrate a better model of governance in Ireland, writes Tommy McKearney
2007-01-30 13:33:22 - Europe in Focus: the Anthony Coughlan column (January/07)
The Irish Democrat's Dublin correspondent, Anthony Coughlan, highlights key developments within the EU with serious implications for democracy, workers' rights and peace
2007-01-30 13:13:13 - Irish Self-Determination League of Great Britain, 1919-24
Peter Berresford Ellis examines the role and significance of the Irish Self-Determination League of Great Britain (1919-1924), established in London during the Irish War of Independence
2007-01-30 12:21:37 - Collusion - a conspiracy of silence
The British media's coverage and treatment of events in the north treatment reveal where their press priorities lie, writes Mick Hall
2007-01-30 11:34:09 - The battle for rights
Progressives are taking an inclusive approach towards drafting an enforceable Bill of Rights in the North. But their focus on giving the legislation a robust social and economic dimension has irked reactionary unionism and alarmed the NIO, writes Deasúin Ó Donghaile
2007-01-30 08:00:10 - Fresh investigation into Fullerton murder
Police ombudsman Nuala O'Loan is investigating part of the circumstances surrounding the 1991 murder of Co Donegal Sinn Fein councillor Eddie Fullerton. In a separate case, the families of six men murdered by the Ulster Volunteer Force recently lobbied Westminster MPs to press for an investigation into the claims
2007-01-29 23:02:19 - New MI5 base to monitor both sides of Irish Sea
A new MI5 intelligence-gathering base in Belfast destroys the new beginning envisaged in the Good Friday Agreement, writes Fr Joe McVeigh
2007-01-29 20:52:29 - Peaceful Road to a united Ireland
Sinn Féin's ‘civil rights’ strategy is the only way forward for republicans and should be complimented by increased lobbying of MPs in Britain, argues John Murphy
2007-01-29 18:32:22 - Republicans need to retain critical perspective on policing
Sinn Féin acknowledges that the PSNI as a policing agency will not weaken republicanism, so long as its agenda for change is not compromised, writes Féilim Ó hAdhmaill
2007-01-29 18:00:50 - Sutton Hoo!
Christy Evans reports on Seachtain na Gaeilge – the global celebration of the Irish language (Irish language article)
2007-01-29 15:35:11 - Spies, Informers and the 'Anti-Sinn Fein Society'
Peter Berresford Ellis reviews Spies, Informers and the ‘Anti-Sinn Féin Society’: The Intelligence War in Cork City 1920-1921 by John Borgonovo, foreword by Eunan O’Halpin, Irish Academic Press
2007-01-29 13:24:36 - Michael Collins and the Treaty
Peter Berresford Ellis reviews ‘I Signed My Death Warrant’: Michael Collins and The Treaty by T. Ryle Dwyer, Mercier Press
2007-01-29 13:04:32 - Dan Breen and the IRA
Peter Berresford Ellis reviews Dan Breen and the IRA by Joe Ambrose, Mercier Press
2007-01-29 12:50:19 - Killing Finucane
Ken Keable reviews Killing Finucane – murder in defence of the realm by Justin O’Brien, Gill & MacMillan
2007-01-29 12:33:45 - Advance Irish Unity: subscribe or donate now!
The Irish Democart needs to boost its financial resources and circulation if it is to sustain and develop its role in campaigning for a united and independent Ireland and continue to expose the nefarious nature of Britain's involvement
2007-01-25 16:52:27 - Rossport's war of attrition
Padraig O’Meschoíl reports from Rossport, Co Mayo where local opposition to oil giant Shell’s plans to build a dangerous gas pipeline close to homes has turned into one of Ireland’s most high-profile campaigns for justice (This article originally appeared in the October/November print edition of the Irish Democrat, but due to technical difficulties has only recently become available for publication on our web edition)
2007-01-25 16:21:58 - Iceland - a country of distinctive modernity
Christy Evans writes that the cold beauty of Iceland is matched by its inhabitants cold loathing for a major US airbase located in the country (Irish language article)
2007-01-25 15:00:21 - The Connolly Association was there at the start
John Murphy reminds us that the Connolly Association and the late Desmond Greaves were the first to come up with the idea of a civil rights campaign to undermine reactionary unionism – and that power sharing offers republicans the opportunity to develop creative ways of persuading key sections of unionism that a unitary state is in their best interests
2007-01-25 10:55:02 - *Is equality at risk from the St Andrew's deal?
Deasun O Donghaile examines the likely implications for equality in the north of the St Andrew's deal
2007-01-25 10:11:55 - *Policing issue will not be last big hurdle to power sharing
Tommy McKearney argues that better options than accepting PSNI policing in its present form exist for republicans
2007-01-25 09:47:57 - News 2007
News and comment from the Irish Democrat 2007
2007-01-25 09:38:06 - Collusion evidence: trickle becomes a flood
David Granville bemoans the lack of response in Britain to growing evidence of collusion between the state and its agents in acts of violence and murder on both sides of the Irish border
2006-12-30 12:48:33 - Getting away with murder
English campaigner Ken Keable argues that mainstream media complicity in British colonial rule has played a significant role in the British public's indifference to news about Northern Ireland and continues to allow the British state to get away with murder
2006-12-30 10:23:42 - Irish Studies Review (14/2&3)
Roy Johnston reviews Irish Studies Review, Vol 14, nos 2 and 3; Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group)
2006-12-29 18:14:15 - Acting Irish in Hollywood
Michael O'Sullivan reviews Acting Irish in Hollywood: from Fitzgerald to Farrell by Ruth Barton published by Irish Academic Press
2006-12-29 10:58:25 - The Young Rebels
Michael O'Sullivan reviews The Young Rebels by Morgan Llywelyn, O'Brien Pres
2006-12-29 10:40:29 - A step on the road to unity
David Granville asks opponents of the Good Friday and St Andrews agreements to end their fixation on ‘texts’ and concentrate on the ‘process’
2006-12-29 10:12:15 - Migration study seeks participants
A new research project at Queen’s University, Belfast, is to investigate migration to Northern Ireland. Researchers hope to gain an insight into the reasons why some of those people who migrated in the 1970’s and 1980’s have chosen to stay away, while others have returned home.
2006-12-27 15:18:19 - Honorary doctorate for ID columnist
Irish Democrat columnist, historian and novelist Peter Berresford Ellis, is awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Literature by the University of East London
2006-12-27 15:03:07 - Martin Flannery (an appreciation)
David Granville pays tribute to the former Sheffield MP Martin Flannery, a fighter for his class and a true friend of Ireland
2006-12-27 13:37:39 - Relax - we're all Anglo-Saxon anyway!
Peter Berresford Ellis takes issue with Professor Stephen Oppenheimer's claim to have dropped a “bombshell” amongst Celtic scholars by concluding that the populations of Britain have not changed, biologically at least, from pre-Celtic through Celtic to the Anglo-Saxon
2006-11-23 17:58:38 - The Politics of Northern Ireland
Ken Keable reviews The Politics of Northern Ireland: beyond the Belfast Agreement by Arthur Aughey, Routledge
2006-11-23 15:49:05 - Ireland and the Global Question
Joe Jamison reviews Ireland and the Global Question by Michael J. O’Sullivan, Cork University Press
2006-11-23 15:26:03 - Founded on Fear
Ian McKeane reviews Founded on Fear by Peter Tyrrell (Diarmuid Whelan ed.), Irish Academic Press
2006-11-23 13:55:05 - Cork Through European Eyes
Ian McKeane reviews As Others Saw Us: Cork through European Eyes, Joachim Fischer and Grace Neville (eds), Collins Press
2006-11-23 13:22:49 - The Lady Next Door
Ruaírí Ó Domhnaill reviews The Lady Next Door by Harold Begbie, UCD Press, Classics of Irish History
2006-11-23 12:44:16 - Con Cremin: Ireland's wartime diplomat
Roy Johnston reviews Con Cremin: Ireland's wartime diplomat by Niall Keogh, Mercier Press
2006-11-21 16:14:21 - MacBride: 'Irish Statesman and Revolutionary'
Roy Johnston reviews An Irish Statesman and Revolutionary: the nationalist and internationalist politics of Sean MacBride by Elizabeth Keane, I B Tauris
2006-11-21 15:23:00 - Michael Collins and the Women Who Spied for Ireland
Peter Berresford Ellis reviews Michael Collins and the Women Who Spied for Ireland by Meda Ryan, Mercier Press
2006-11-21 15:02:19 - The Phoenix Park Murders
Peter Berresford Ellis reviews The Phoenix Park Murders: conspiracy, betrayal and retribution by Senan Molony, Mercier Press
2006-11-21 14:49:15 - Emergency Law in Independent Ireland
Ruaírí Ó Domhnaill reviews Emergency Law in Independent Ireand 1922-1948 by Seosamh Ó Longaigh. Four Courts Press
2006-11-21 14:29:01 - Nothing But An Unfinished Song
Michael O'Sullivan reviews Nothing But An Unfinished Song by Denis O’ Hearn, Pluto Press
2006-11-21 13:54:03 - A Biographical Dictionary of Cork
Peter Berresford Ellis reviews A Biographical Dictionary of Cork, Tim Cadogan and Jeremiah Falvey (eds), Four Courts Press
2006-11-21 13:34:53 - Keeping us in the dark?
David Granville asks whether the trend to ‘editionalise’ newspapers is being used to keep the British public ignorant of successive governments' responsibility for criminal and anti-democratic acts conducted by state military forces and security agencies throughout the conflict in Ireland
2006-09-29 09:57:29 - Wind that shakes the imperialists
David Granville reviews Ken Loach's latest film ‘The Wind That Shakes the Barley’
2006-09-21 08:05:50 - 2006 Greaves Summer School
Ken Keable reports on the 2006 Greaves Summer School, held in Dublin at the end of August
2006-09-21 06:20:00 - DUP dismisses November deadline
Paul Donovan reports on an important fringe meeting on the future of the Irish peace process meeting held during the recent British Trades Union Congress
2006-09-21 06:09:30 - Garvaghy Road residents renews support call
The Garvaghy Road Residents Coalition is appealing for support, national and international, following the decision of the Parades Commission to allow the Orange Order to march through the nationalist area of Portadown on 23 September in opposition to the wishes of the local community
2006-09-16 09:38:29 - Century of Endeavour
Ruán O'Donnell reviews Century of Endeavour, a biographical and autobiographical view of the twentieth century in Ireland by Roy H.W. Johnston, Tyndall Publications/The Lilliput Press
2006-09-12 11:57:45 - Women and Unionism in Northern Ireland
Ruaírí Ó Dohmnaill reviews Women, Unionism and Loyalism in Northern Ireland; from ‘tea-makers’ to political actors by Rachel Ward, Irish Academic Press
2006-09-12 11:39:35 - Bob Doyle: Brigadista
Ken Keable and Robert Griffiths review Brigadista – an Irishman’s fight against fascism by Bob Doyle, Currach Press
2006-09-08 16:50:30 - Directory of Historic Locations
David Granville reviews Where's Where in Dublin: a directory of historic locations 1913-23 by Joseph E. A. Connell Jnr, Four Courts Press and Dublin City Council
2006-09-08 15:06:23 - Róisín Bán
Declan O'Brien reviews Róisín Bán: the Irish in Leeds by Corinne Silva (foreward by Dermot Bolger, introduction Brendan McGowan), Leeds Irish Health and Homes
2006-09-08 14:35:07 - 'One of a kind' Welshman and friend of Ireland
Peter Berresford Ellis offers a personal memory of Kenneth Griffith, actor, documentary filmaker and socialist idealist who died earlier this year
2006-09-08 13:49:52 - 'Scottie', MacKenzie Kennedy remembered
Stephen Coyle tells the story of MacKenzie Kennedy who died for the Irish Republic during the civil war
2006-09-08 13:08:55 - Staging the Easter Rising
Sally Richardson reviews Staging the Easter Rising: 1916 as theatre by James Moran, Cork University Press
2006-07-13 14:59:48 - Bigotry must be marginalised
As the people of the North of Ireland enter into this summer's matching season, sectarianism will remain a dangerously live issue. The British government and its agencies must be forced to acknowledge the problem fully and challenge it head on, instead of giving it political cover, argues the Irish Democrat
2006-07-05 18:57:53 - Thar Slaibh agus Gleann!
Christie Evans reports from the fifth International Festival of the Irish Language, which recently took place in the Isle of Man (Irish language article)
2006-07-05 18:42:39 - An Bholaiv - Caithréim na ndaoine
Gearóid Ó Colmáino traces the historical development of Bolivia from the time of the conquistadores to the present under president Morales, focusing on the struggle of the oppressed aboriginal people for equality and justice (Irish language article)
2006-07-05 18:30:58 - British propaganda in Ireland 1920
Peter Berresford Ellis reviews The Origins and Organisation of British Propaganda in Ireland 1920 by Brian P Murphy, Aubane Historical Society, Cork, and Spinwatch, H B C Pollard,
2006-07-05 17:14:58 - Socialists and republicans pay tribute to 'Red O'Riordan'
Tributes for a fighter who ‘personified the best’ pour in following the death of veteran communist Michael O'Riordan
2006-07-05 15:24:21 - A constitution to destroy Irish republicanism
We must face the fact the participation in the EU parliament is at variance with the ideals of 1916, writes John Murphy
2006-07-05 14:56:49 - Equality undermined
Michael Hall looks into claims that ‘high-level’ decisions made exempt from equality laws are a breach of the Good Friday agreement
2006-07-05 13:17:21 - New film champions humanity
Jeremy Hardy talks about his partner Katie Barlow’s new film about occupied Palestine
2006-07-05 13:10:11 - De Valera's betrayal of the women of 1916
Peter Berresford Ellis argues that the 1937 constitution made male chauvinism an institution and was a betrayal of the women who had fought from 1916 for Irish independence and equality
2006-07-05 11:56:58 - British labour and the Easter Rising
David Granville examines the response of the labour movement in Britain to the Easter Rising of 1916
2006-07-04 21:30:23 - Finucane killer released
The killer of Belfast defence lawyer Pat Finucane has been released from prison under the terms of the Good Friday agreement and is understood to have been moved to a secret location in Britain and given a generous relocation package
2006-07-04 17:05:04 - 'Inquiry is the issue' insist Finucane family
The family of murdered defense solicitor Pat Finucane insists that the early release of his killer should not be overestimated and that the real focus must be to establish a fully independent, public judicial inquiry
2006-07-04 16:52:14 - Sinn Fein set out need for all-Ireland health strategy
Féilim Ó hAdhmaill looks at Sinn Feín’s new health policy for the island of Ireland and argues that an all-Ireland native NHS is the cure
2006-07-04 16:24:11 - Stormont's structural flaws
Tommy McKearney argues that London's de facto power makes the Stormont Assembly little more than a glorified county council
2006-07-04 15:47:44 - Assembly's future remains in doubt
The future of the Stormont assembly remains uncertain after Ian Paisley rejected a nomination by Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams to become the first minister of ‘Northern Ireland’
2006-07-04 15:43:05 - Facing up to the challenge in Britain
The general secretary of Connolly Association gives his assessment of the organisation’s current position and the tasks that lie ahead for activists in Britain
2006-07-04 13:11:45 - Left Republican magazine relaunched
Left Republican Review, which aims to bring together left, republican, feminist and green voices from across Ireland, was relaunched recently
2006-07-04 12:10:49 - Unions discuss coalition pact
Two of Ireland’s biggest trade unions are to discuss a joint effort to help the election of a left-wing Irish coalition government
2006-07-04 11:00:40

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