Window on the EU
- Interfering commission threatened with injunction
Solicitors acting on behalf of former MEP, Patricia McKenna have written to the European Commission warning of legal action if the Commission continues with its campaign on the Lisbon Treaty
- No camp gaining ground
Despite massive media bias, the interference of Brussels, the support of big business and the massive amount of money being spent by Yes campaign, it's still too close to call as the Lisbon referendum campaign enters its final week
- Major Irish union urges No vote
UNITE, Ireland's second largest trade union is urging its 60,000 members to vote No in the referendum on the Lisbon treaty
- éirígí launch No campaign
Socialist republican group éirígí launched its No to Lisbon 2 campaign at the weekend and warned voters to Never Mind the B****cks spread by the government and mainstream political parties which are urging voters to say Yes
- PANA urges No vote
The Peace and Neutrality Alliance in Ireland ‘congratulate’ EU commissioner Catherine Day for ‘coming clean’ on the EU's plans to become a world power
- No campaigners need our support
David Granville argues that solidarity with the No to Lisbon campaign is in the interest of working people throughout the EU
- No to Lisbon coalition launched
As the 2nd Lisbon treaty referendum approaches, Brian Denny reports on the recent launch of the the Vote No to Lisbon coalition in Ireland
- ESF calls for mobilization to strengthen workers' rights
Joint statement from the three Trade Union seminars on the ECJ judgments on Laval, Viking, Rüffert and Luxemburg cases at the ESF in Malmö 21 September 2008.
- Ireland gets 'Clog Award'
One of Ireland's most prominent anti-EU campaign groups has been presented with the "Clog Award” by fellow anti-EU campaigners in Denmark. It is the third time that Ireland, which rejected the Lisbon Treaty in June, has been presented with the award.
- Minister exposes plans for referendum re-run
Anti-Lisbon Treaty campaigners claim that a statement by European affairs minister Dick Roche reveals that Irish government is already planning to hold another referendum on the treaty rejected by Irish voters earlier this year
- No campaigners reject Sarkozy 're-run' comments
Statements from The People's Movement and Sinn Fein following a meeting In Dublin on Monday 21 July with Fench president Nicolas Sarkozy
- Government still in denial over Lisbon vote
People's Movement chairperson today accused the Irish government of being in a state of denial over the result of Lisbon Treaty vote and criticed the French president for scrapping plans to meet with No-vote campaigners
- Irish say No to Lisbon Treaty
Brian Denny of Trade Unionists Against the EU Constitution explains the impact of the Irish people's historic No vote
- The Lisbon Treaty is dead
A statement on the Lisbon Treaty referendum result by the Communist Party of Ireland
- Centre challenges four post-Lisbon falsehoods
Media statement on the post-Lisbon Treaty situation issued on 25 June by the National Platform EU Research and Information Centre
- Green MEPs urge Irish voters not to be swayed by outside pressure
Prominent European Green MEPs, Caroline Lucas (UK) and Carl Schlyter (Sweden) have sent messages of support to those campaigning for a No vote in the Lisbon Treaty referendum
- In their own words
Central to the British Labour government's justification for denying the British people a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty has been that the ‘new’ treaty is fundamentally different. Some of the EU's most senior politicians beg to differ
- Gregory joins No campaign
Those campaigning for a No vote in the coming Lisbon Treaty referendum have welcomed the support of independent TD Tony Gregory
- Time to vote for something better
The National Platform EU Research and Information Centre sets out what it sees as the main implications of the Lisbon Treaty and why Irish citizens should vote No in the coming referendum
- CND votes to oppose treaty
Irish CND members attending the organisation's recent AGM gave their overwhelming backing to a motion calling for a ‘No’ vote in the coming Lisbon Treaty referendum
- Union to campaign for a 'No' vote
Unite, one of Ireland's largest unions is to campaign for a no' vote in the coming Lisbon Treaty referendum
- Appeal for taoiseach to end 'boot-boy' tactics
Opponents of the Lisbon Treaty have called upon Irish taoiseach Bertie Ahern to desist from using ‘boot-boy’ tactics and to acknowledge the legitimate concerns of those on the No side of the referendum argument
- Call for early establishment of Referendum Commission
Prominent figures urge the Irish government to call the Referendum Commission into being well in advance of the referendum on the Lisbon Treaty
- EU illusions shattered
Trade Unionists Against the EU Constitution spokesperson Brian Denny exposes the anti-union agender at work within the EU and underscores the need in Britain for a referendum on the currently being debated by the BRitish parliamentremamed treaty
- Proposed EU treaty an assault on democracy
Anthony Coughlan of the National Platform EU Research and Information Centre identifies four important aspects of the proposed revised EU constitutional treaty and explains why democrats everywhere should oppose it
- Europe in Focus: the Anthony Coughlan column (January/07)
The Irish Democrat's Dublin correspondent, Anthony Coughlan, highlights key developments within the EU with serious implications for democracy, workers' rights and peace
- Ballagh Mise Éire print launched
Irish artist Robert Ballagh's new fine-art print, symbolic of Ireland's muffled and dependent state in the European Union, was launched recently in Dublin
- Europe in Focus: the Anthony Coughlan column (November/06)
The Irish Democrat's Dublin correspondent highlights key EU developments within the EU with serious implications for democracy, public services, workers' rights and peace
- Bolkenstein's monster must be destroyed
The EU Services Directive will create a neo-liberal nightmare if it is introduced after the EU parlimentary vote this month and must be rigorously opposed, writes Eoin O Broin
- EU powers extended
A recent judgement at the European Court of Justice represents judicial coup d'etat against democratic national governments and the citizens that elect them, writes Anthony Coughlan
- British unions reject EU constitution
British trade unionists gathered in Brighton for the 2005 TUC Congress overwhelmingly rejected the proposed EU constitution as “elitist, militarist, corporate and anti-democratic”
- Civil liberties under fire post 7/7
The July bombings in London are being used by Britain to push through intrusive surveillance measures in Britain and Ireland, with the backing of European Ministers, writes the Irish Democrat’s Dublin Correspondent
- EU project alive and kicking
Anthony Coughlan explains the divergent EU trends now present after the French and Dutch rejections of the European constitution and what the future may hold
- Five steps to EU citizenship
Anthony Coughlan outlines the five ‘logical’ legal steps to citizenship of an EU federal state contained in the Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe
- The EU crisis ... what is to be done?
Statement on the French and Dutch NOs to the EU constitution produced by the Dublin-based The National Platform EU Research and Information Centre
- French deliver hammer blow to federalist project
Anthony Coughlan of the National Platform EU Research and Information Centre explains the implications of the French people's rejection of the EU constitution
- Sinn Fein launches referendum campaign
Sinn Fein launches it capaign against the proposed EU constitution and sets out 13 clear resons why it is not in the interests of the people of Ireland
- Campaign sets out case for No vote
New pamphlet produced by Trade Unionists Against the EU Constitution (TUAEUC) sets out the case for a no vote in the coming referendum
- Trade unionists launch campaign
The Irish Democrat reports on growing trade union opposition to the EU constitution
- Building the EU by stealth
Hugh MacDonald looks at how deceit is central to the development of the EU-federalist project
- The Euro-Dollar crisis
Politicus takes a look at the impact on the economies of the euro-zone countries of the falling US dollar
- Why the left should oppose the EU constitutiion
Fourteen good reasons why the left should oppose the EU constitution. Originally drafted by members of the National Platform EU Research and Information Centre it has since been amended following a consultation exercise involving key left activists in Ireland and abroad
- The case for a 'Social Europe'
Edited text of a short pamphlet produced by the Centre for a Social Europe, London
- An ideological EU constitution
The National Platform EU Research and Information Centre offers a brief analysis of the ideological nature of the EU constitution
- The Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe
The National Platform in Ireland provides a detailed analysis of ‘The Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe’, signed in Rome on 29 October 2004 by the heads of state and heads of government of the the 25 EU-member states
- EU threat to public services
Stefania Milan of Inter Press Service reports on a call to resist further EU moves to boost privatisation of public services
- Unity needed to tackle privatisation
Unity can stem the tide of privatisation, Bob Crow tells European Social Forum
- An attack on jobs, services, rights and democracy
European Union constitution is a threat to jobs, services, rights and democracy, RMT president Tony Donaghey tells the European Social Forum
- Politicus September/October 2004
Politicus reports on some recent developments withingn the EU including: Czech's veto EU arrest warrant; EU constitution referendums latest; resistance to ‘beatification’ of Euro-project founder Robert Schuman
- Democracy and the European Union
Speaking in a personal capacity at this year's Desmond Greaves Summer School in Dublin, Green Party councillor Deidre de Burca highlights the importance of the democratic defecit at the heart of the European Union
- The EU as a global superpower
A brief note on the contribution made by development studies expert Andy Storey at the Desmond Greaves Summer School, Dublin, 29.08.04.
- EU news September/October2004
The Irish Democrat reports on some key developments within the EU: Czech president vetoes EU arrest warrant; EU diplomatic service to be set up before countries approve it; Vatican resists drive to make EU founder a ‘saint’; This year's secret Bilderberg conference; Commission to interfere in constituitional referendums
- Politicus July/August 2004
Politicus looks at some recent developments within the EU
- EU ministers set sights on huge extension of personal powers
Politicus explains why politicians are keen to hand more power to Brussels
- A constitution to rule our lives
Irish Democrat Dublin correspondent and prominent anti-euro-federal campaigner Anthony Coughlan warns that the recently published draft EU constitution threatens to undermine democracy throughout Europe
- EU constitution convention paints a federal blueprint
Politicus looks at the latest moves taking us towards federal Europe (February/March/April 2003 edition)
- The yardstick of democracy
John Murphy outlines ten democratic principles which underpin progressive opinion on the nation, state sovereignty and the European Union (June/July 2002 edition)
- Why the euro is a mistake for Ireland
Irish National Platform secretary Anthony Coughlan summarises the organisation’s reasons for arguing the folly of the Republic of Ireland decision to adopt the euro. Much of the reasoning set out below can be applied to Britain, where a government announcement of a referendum on the adoption of the euro is widely expected later this year.(February/March 2002 edition)

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