éirígí launch No campaign
by Democrat reporter
THE OFFICIAL launch of éirígí's 'No to Lisbon 2' campaign took place at the weekend in Dublin's Belvedere Hotel. Several dozen activists gathered at the campaign launch, which included video presentations and discussions on how best to maximise the No vote.

Party Chair Brian Leeson, general secretary Breandán Mac Cionnaith, spokesperson Daithí Mac An Mháistir, Belfast Ciorcal chair Nuala McGurk and Councillor Louise Minihan all took part in a panel based question and answer session.
éirígí's main campaign leaflet entitled 500,000 UNEMPLOYED - EUROPE ISN'T WORKING was also unveiled at the launch. One hundred thousand leaflets are to be distributed across the country during the course of the campaign. The leaflets are in addition to the 3,000 No to Lisbon posters calling for a No vote that éirígí has produced.
Following the launch up to thirty éirígí activists distributed thousands of the new campaign leaflets to pedestrians in Dublin city centre.
Speaking at the launch éirígí Lisbon spokesperson Daithi Mac an Mháistir said: "éirígí played a major role in the first Lisbon referendum, distributing tens of thousands of leaflets and erecting hundreds of posters and banners.
"The establishment political parties, IBEC and big business - the very people who have led this country into economic ruin - are asking people to vote yes. éirígí is proposing a radical socialist alternative to the failed economic policies of the EU and the twenty-six county government.
By voting NO to the Lisbon Treaty, people can express their support for the building of a different society build upon the principles of economic democracy and genuine equality. Saying No to Lisbon is to stand on the side of democracy and a vision of Europe wherein the people are sovereign."
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